learn about our history
Unincarcerate America blossomed in 2006 when two teenagers by the name of Maliki Cottrell and Keynell Deas met. Growing up in the south Bronx they both had similar experiences, that molded and shaped them, to want to uplift their community. From the tender age of five keynell was on weekly visits upstate with her mom or grandmother to see her father who was in prison, doing a twenty-five-year sentence. Her family struggled to send him food and clothes packages, while maintaining their monthly visits to see him, however they managed to support him every step of the way. Once released from prison, Keynell’s dad did a whole 360 and got his life together, he felt not only did he owe it to himself, but to his family for the constant support over the years. Maliki has a similar story, he was raised with little to no guidance, this in turn, lead him to turn to the streets, which lead him to getting arrested at 17 years old and having to do 3 1/2 years in prison. Maliki’s family also supported him with constant visits, monthly packages and clothes. Once released from prison at 21, Maliki knew he had to do better and change his life, he couldn’t put his family through the heartache anymore, after their constant support. At the age of 21 while attending college Maliki started his own business and employed numerous men from his community. Maliki and keynell talked about their life experiences and realized that with the proper support those who are incarcerated can change their life for the better, because they realize they have people who love, care and want them to do better. the couple did some research and their research confirmed their notion that inmates who receive support are not only less likely to go back to prison. They are up to 83% less likely to go back. That’s when decided to form Unincarcerate America non- profit corporation to provide a helping hand for families with similar issues. Today they provide bus tickets, prison approved packages, letter and photo services as well as out-patient services like G.E.D., college enrollment and career training.
The wanted to it was time to give these people a voice and raise awareness to what really lowers recidivism and help create upstanding citizens. Everybody deserves a second chance to change for the better.
Unincarcerate America will provide support to low-income families of the incarcerated. While the individual is incarcerated, we will provide support in the form of packages, bus tickets for visits, letters and photo assistance. When these individuals are released from prison, we will provide outpatient services focused on Career Training (Mock Interviews, Resume writing and Job searching), Emotional Wellness (Yoga, Breathing techniques, Anger Management classes and Substance Abuse Counseling) Educational Services (GED enrollment and college enrollment). These services will be provided by our staff of licensed social workers and professional volunteers.
When you make a donation, you will instantly receive an email with a profile of a family whose lives are being transformed by our programs. Along with the family profile you will receive constant updates about U.I.A. so you can see first-hand the impact of your donation.
Once the families of the low-income incarcerated reach out to us about their hardships and inform us on what exactly they need assistance with, we will donate what’s needed ranging from funding to sending letter/pictures, a care package or funding to see their incarcerated loved one.
Donate to our recidivism intervention programs, because everybody deserves a second chance.
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Every dollar you contribute will pay for bus tickets, Personal letters and or care packages for the visiting friends or family member of the incarcerated.
91% of every dollar you donate goes to the mission and making sure we lower recidivism. 4% goes to fundraising, at each fundraiser we will have your company’s name and logo seen throughout the event. The last 5% goes to shareholders and others qualified members that contribute to the mission.